Hometown: “A Nostalgic Chain of Memories”

An exhibition featuring the work of Grant Reynard and Nebraska artists

February 24 – April 28, 2024

Hometown: “A Nostalgic Chain of Memories” will showcase the Stuhr Museum collection of original artworks by famed Grand Island watercolor artist, illustrator, and printmaker Grant Reynard. This exhibit will also showcase the talents of today’s Nebraska artists, who have found inspiration in the same mediums explored by this noted Nebraska artist.


Early in his career, Reynard, a struggling Nebraska artist, unsure of the direction he wished to take for his career, met another famous Nebraskan, Willa Cather, at an artist retreat in New Jersey. The advice that Cather gifted Reynard was not realized by him until a year later at a
crossroads for the young painter. As Reynard recalled, Cather confided in him that “it wasn’t until I suddenly thought of my youth in a great wave of nostalgia for the early Nebraska days that my work took on a new dimension…My Antonia came that way, born of feeling and memory, flooding the page.”

After reflecting on this advice, Reynard recalled that “Suddenly my search for a motive was over. The far sound of a dog barking down in the village of Peterborough brought back my hometown in a nostalgic chain of memories – Grand Island, Nebraska, and our house on Third Street; practicing piano on a spring afternoon, and the sound of kids down the block playing one-o-cat and kick-the-can. The wave of subjects overwhelmed me.”


What type of artwork are you looking for?

Artwork submitted to this exhibition should convey the same sort of unique memories that each artist possesses of their hometowns as mentioned above, whether real or imagined. Exhibited works will be judged in one of the three listed categories: Illustration, Printmaking, or Watercolor. Nine awards will be given between the three categories of illustration, printmaking, and watercolor.  Judging will be based on the concept, originality, illustration of the theme, as well as artistic and technical merit. The decision of the jurors is final. 


Best of Show – $150
Merit – $75
Merit – $75
Best of Show – $150
Merit – $75
Merit – $75
Best of Show – $150
Merit – $75
Merit – $75

•All entries must do their best to live up to the vision of the exhibition as described above, to depict a scene from the artist’s background that has a special meaning in the formulation of themselves as an artist or as it relates to the subject of “Hometown.”

•Artists are allowed to submit up to five artworks for this exhibition. Please enter your submission(s) using the form below or email Curator Robb Nelson at rnelson@stuhrmuseum.org with the completed entry form and an image of each artwork being submitted to the exhibition (jpg/300dpi preferred) by January 25th, 2024. Contact information and a brief biographical statement regarding an individual’s background in the arts must be included in order to be considered for participation. All entries will be reviewed and each artist will be notified as to the status of their participation during the week of January 29th, 2024.

•An entrance fee of $50 will be due upon the opening date of the exhibition. This entry fee can be paid by check or cash. Please either mail this payment to Stuhr Museum or deliver this payment in person at the time of your artwork delivery appointment.

•Artwork must be designated into one of three categories: Illustration, Printmaking, or Watercolor.

•All pieces must be 8”x10” or larger.

•All successful entries will be on exhibit at Stuhr Museum in the Stuhr Building between February 24th and April 28th, 2024. These entries must remain in the gallery and may not be exchanged or removed by the exhibitor or purchaser for the duration of the exhibition.

•Accepted artwork must be delivered to the Stuhr Building between Tuesday, January 30th and Friday February 9th of 2024, between the hours of 10:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Artwork must arrive clearly marked with written instructions (if that is needed) no later than 3:30 p.m. on
Friday, February 9th. If you need to make arrangements to drop off your artwork outside of these times, please contact Robb Nelson or Kylie Luth.

•All art must be framed with proper hanging devices. Please avoid bright gold frames or brightly colored mats. Pedestals will be provided for three-dimensional objects.

•Reasonable care will be taken to ensure proper handling of entries. The Stuhr Museum is not responsible for the loss or damage of any works submitted for competition and exhibition.

•Stuhr Museum will have permission to use any image of accepted artwork on its website or for promotion and education of the exhibition, Hometown: “A Nostalgic Chain of Memories” unless prohibited in writing by the artist.

•Each artist has the option to have their selected entries for sale during the exhibition. Artists set their own prices and the Stuhr Museum manages all transactions. The purchaser is responsible for the cost of shipping and handling. The artist will receive 60% of the revenue on each piece of artwork sold. The Stuhr Museum will receive a 40% commission for all sales. Payments for awards or sales will take at least 30 days to process after the closing of the exhibit.

•All artists are encouraged to take any un-purchased artwork home with them following the conclusion of the closing reception on Sunday, April 28th. If you are unable to take artwork home with you on this date, please reach out to Curator Robb Nelson to arrange another time to pick up your artwork.

Submission of an entry to the competition automatically constitutes the contestant’s acceptance of all competition rules and guidelines.